US Rooftop Geocoding API: mid-cycle geocode update
Incident Report for Smarty
Between 2023 January 16 and 2023 February 07, the US Rooftop Geocoding API returned inaccurate geocodes for a small set of addresses that were designated with a rooftop, parcel, or street-level geocode precision.

The following addresses were affected:
- non-postal
- non-postal addresses that became postal addresses before 2023 January 16

The issue occurred due to incorrect temporary keys used to associate non-postal addresses to geocodes during the data build. The problem has been resolved and measures have been implemented to prevent this from happening in the future.

Based on analysis, the inaccurate geocodes would likely have affected about 1.4% of the addresses processed by our clients.
Posted Feb 14, 2023 - 19:00 UTC